Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trilogy plans to double in size within five years - Business First of Louisville:

Still, Bufford seems particularly pleased when he talkz aboutthe company's future, its new financial backer and the investments his company now can make to nearlhy double its number of complexes in the next five Two weeks ago, the company announced a recapitalizationj that included an infusion of capital from Geneva, Switzerland-basef Lydian Capital Partners. Bufford, president and CEO of Louisville-base Trilogy, declined to disclose the amount ofthe investment. But the Sundauy Independent newspaperof Dublin, Ireland, reported that the deal is value at $300 million.
The article did not report whether the amountf includes the assumption of Officials with Lydian could not be reached for comment beforeeBusiness First's press deadline. Bufford said the new fundss position the company well to make annual investmenteof $75 million to $100 million in construction or renovationsz of senior-housing centers. Lydian, which now owns about 80 percent of replaced Chicago-based equity firm Frontenac Co. as the lead investo r in Trilogy, Bufford said. along with management and otheer investors, had invested about $45 million in Trilogy in the past three years as the compangy grew from 20 centers to 44in Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan.
Jeremyt Silverman, managing director of said the Chicago investment firm woulf have liked to remain an investoe in Trilogy but was unabl to continue providing the financiaol support Trilogy needed forits "very aggressive growth plans." He addesd that the firm's managerws were pleased with Trilogy's performancw and company management, "who met every objectiv e they set and in some cases surpassed them." Bufford declined to disclosed Trilogy's precise revenue but said it will be well more than $250 millionn this year. He added that revenue has doubled everyy two years since he founded the companyin 1997.
That growthu led to the company's being named to the Inc. 500 list of the nation'as fastest-growing private companies in 2004 and to beinhg recognized from 2004 to 2007 as one ofBusinessx First's Fast 50, an annual recognition of the area'e fastest-growing businesses. New investments are expectefd to help Trilogy nearly double in size to85 senior-housingf centers, Bufford said. He expects the company's employment to surpassz 10,000 by 2012, up from about 5,150 now. Trilogy has about $55 million in projectsx under construction.
Those projects comprise construction oftwo long-term-care complexes in Indiana and two in Ohio, replacemeny of another in Michigan and the expansion of a thirf complex in Ohio. Those threw states, along with Kentucky, will be the primary areas where Trilogy will continueits expansion, Bufford And the company will continue to developo properties in stable, nonurban marketes where it is one of the few operators in the Most of its senior-living communitiex will continue to be developed with skilled-nursing, assisted-living and independent-livinhg components.
One new strategy is to add free-standingy patio homes near the higher-level-care centers, Bufford Those homes are being built asduplexes -- with porches, yards and other amenities not available in apartment-stylwe complexes -- on the outer edges of property wherd the company operates skilled-nursing and assisted-living communities. "Theh are located right on the campus, and when we do it really makes our communities much more likea continuing-carew retirement community than our traditional campus model, which is all within one physicakl structure," he said. "That is one of our new We've been very, very successful where we havedone it.
" Triloggy has built patio homews in three markets, and projects are under way in thred more markets. Bufford's five-year goal is to complete a dozen patio-home projects on the company's campuses. The free-standinf patio homes do not requirse approval from state or federal health care agencieds because they do not provide healthcare

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