| A month of all-local foods changes writer's diet - and perspective Could I go native with my food the way I had with music and WWOZ? If the tomatoes and strawberries were so good, what else had I been missing? On May 31, the last day to sign up, I went to the Tuesday Crescent City Farmers Market and bought fresh eggs, ... |
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A month of all-local foods changes writer's diet - and perspective -
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - South Florida Business Journal:
Dr. John C. Price created the Melvin L. Price M.D. and Charle s A. Price D.D.S. Endowmentf for Cardiology Fellowship Training to supporytyoung doctors’ education as they learn the nuances of treating hear t disease, the leading cause of death in the United Price’s brothers both died of cardiovasculard disease. Price said he wanted to establisjh the endowment to ensure that UTMB can train more cardiologistxs who will be skiller at helping patients with heart problemws makefull recoveries. The value of the endowmentf wasnot disclosed.
“The twin goalz are to provide more effective therapy for those with heart disease and to encouragr early identification of individuals at risk for subsequentr intervention to modify and ultimately prevent the morbidity of cardiac andvascular disease,” said a head and neck surgeon. In addition to his recent endowment, Price has contributed to cardiologhy research at the university to aid the developmentt of new treatments and procedurew that reduce functional impairment and deat fromcardiovascular disease.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Stimulus highlights need for better oversight at SBA - bizjournals:
The SBA’s Office of Inspector Generaol outlined its concerns in a memo that said agency action is overduw on 10 recommendations it made to addresx weaknesses in lender oversight and agency The Office of Managemenf and Budget has directed agencies to address problems disclosedx by prior audits in programs that will receive fundin through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. Lenderf oversight is particularly important becaused the bill temporarily increased the government guaranty onthe SBA’s 7(a) businese loans to 90 percent.
“Because the higher guaranties reducelender risk, which may lead to poor underwriting, a greate r potential will exist for losses and fraud,” wrotee Debra Ritt, SBA assistantt inspector general. That’s why it’s important for the SBA to do onsitee reviews for all SBA lenderwswith high-risk ratings that have more than $4 millionj in guaranteed loan portfolios, the memo stated. The agench has agreed that’s needed but hasn’tr done it yet.
The SBA also hasn’t implemented comprehensivs policies and procedures that definde acceptable lender performance and risktolerance levels, or what enforcementy actions will be taken when risk toleranced limits are exceeded. The SBA also needs to do a bettetr job collecting improper payments of loan guarantieds to lenderswho didn’t follow prudent lending practicezs or failed to comply with SBA regulations, the inspector general’d office said. More than $4 million in improper payments identified by previous auditsx have notbeen recovered, the office found.
“Increases in loan volumes and reduced lender risk undere the recovery act are expected to lead to higher levelsx ofimproper payments,” the memo stated. The bill also provide $30 million in additional funding for theMicroloanb program, which makes small loans to aspirintg entrepreneurs through nonprofit organizations that also provide technical assistance. The SBA needs to develop standard operatinfg procedures forthis program, and collecyt information on whether the businesses that received thesd loans became successful, according to the memo.
SBA spokesman Jonathajn Swain said theagency “is working on a number of to implement the recommendations cited in the The agency is particularly focused on lender oversight and risk managemengt as it rolls out new stimulus-related Its new $35,000 America’s Recoveryg Capital loans, for example, are designed to be “a riskierr loan program than the SBA has ever offered,” he said, becaused they’re an effort to help businesses that temporarily are having problems making loan payments. The SBA is looking at ways to mitigatr that risk as muchas possible, he said. guarantees loans that dealers can use to financetheir inventory.
Many lenders have stopped makinbg so-called floor plan loans becausethey haven’t been able to sell them on the secondaryy market. Through these lines of credit, auto dealere borrow against theirvehicle inventory, repay the debt when vehiclexs are sold, and then borrow again to add more inventory. John NADA’s vice president of dealership operations, applauded the SBA and Presidenyt BarackObama “for understanding that any effort to revitalize the auto industrhy simply will not work until dealer credit issues are resolved.
” “The success and continuedr operation of thousands of small, family- owned auto dealershipsw across the country are directlg connected to their ability to purchased both new and used vehicless to offer their customers,” Lyboldt Beginning July 1, the SBA will guarantee 75 percenrt of floor plan lines of credit through its 7(a) businessa loan program. SBA lenders will make the loans, whichn will range from $500,000 to $2 Dealers in automobiles, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boates and manufactured homesare eligible. The loanas will be available through Sept. 30, 2010, possibly longerr if the SBA extend s thepilot program.
Floor plan loanes previously were ineligible forthe 7(a) program. “Countlesws small businesses, including dealerships, across the country are facinb significant challenges as a result of the uncertaint in theauto industry,” SBA Administratotr Karen Mills said. “Floor plan financin g can offer some dealerships the opportunity to get throughg these tough economic times by allowing them to keep thei r inventory and cashflow intact, as well as save the jobs thesed small businesses provide.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Opt for etiquette when sending e-mails, texts - Dayton Business Journal:
It read, “This message was typed using mytwo thumbs. The content should be accurate, but the qualituy of my input is questionableat best.” In an age of text messaging at stoplights and covertly replyint to e-mails during meetings, professionals are facinyg a world where “its ez 2 do qk.” But as a experts and executives suggest initial communications be formalp until a rapport is established with the other end. they advise it’s unwise to send e-mails that could be damaging, unless senders trust their counterpartr to keep it to themselves if Incolleges today, professors are teachinb students not to use slang.
But, those entering the workplacse often find it difficult to switch from slantgto sophistication, said Jim Farrelly, who teacheds business communications at the . In his first assignment — to craft a professional e-mail — often they “falll flat on their he said. “They all mess it up,” he “There are many papers that fail, but they fail on spelling alone.” Because e-mail and textinv often give sendersinstant gratification, it is hard to step back and take a look at what the recipieng is receiving, he said. But he advises people to do just He also tells students towait 24-hour if they are firing off a charged message.
A simple trick is to e-mail the message to yourself, which can be cathartidc to type out, but also give perspective on whatthe e-mai l will look like in someone else’ s inbox. Deb Norris, vice president of workforce developmenrt and corporate servicesat , said for initiao communications, she always keeps it After all, first impressions neve r happen again, plus who knows who will see the message. “I try to kind of look at it and say, “Ifg it were on the fronty pageof something, how would that appear?” she said.
Yet, many establisher Dayton area executives communicatwin quick, terse functional language versesw Oxford English, said Shane Imwalle, a vice president at “Fort me and other executives, I am using the stuff I learnef from my kids,” Imwalle “From an etiquette perspective, no one has any proble with that.” Norris said she agreed and thinks it is becausew e-mails and text messages have become so ingrainedr in daily communication. “It is expected now, if someones e-mails you at 10 at night,” she “We have become tethered to these there isno escaping.
” But both executives said they sometimes must remind themselves that though e-mail and texting has become it still leaves a communicationh trail. Imwalle said if it is important, he stil picks up the phone to speakin person. “ I am far more inclined to talk candor, than any candor in a text or e-mail,” he said.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Center City Commission boosting marketing budget by 37% in FY2010 - Memphis Business Journal:
million. The budget is $9,173 less than 2009, freezing most expenses but focusing more onmarketing Downtown. The CCC froze stafc salaries at $1.3 million for the year, but allowed for possible 3 percent raisees in December atthe board’s Any raises would depend on how revenue projectionsz fared throughout the rest of the year. A large portionn of the funding, $2.7 million, comes from assessed value of commercial properties in the Centraol BusinessImprovement District. The CCC gets most of these revenues bylate fall, after property owner challenges have been The CCC’s advertising budget for the 2010 fisca l year, which starts in July is $232,000, which is up 37.
2 percent comparef to $169,000 last fiscal This is due to the CCC’s plan to launch its larges marketing campaign to date in order to support Downtownn retailers and other stakeholders. The CCC budget stil l has to be approved by the andthe . The CCC boarr also approved a resolutiob which would recommend change a state Senatw bill to alter state government representation onthe Currently, the state Senatse and House of Representatives have two representatives each on the CCC The proposed Senate bill would reduce that representation to one
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Economists see modest rebound in 3Q - Charlotte Business Journal:
According to the National Association forBusiness Economics, “The panelo ... (predicts) positive, albeit modest, growth in the thirrd quarter, followed by steady improvement thereafter. On the however, the economic rebound lacks luster. Real GDP growtu over the second half of 2009 is expected to averagea well-below-trend 1.2 percent pace.” The forecasters say growtyh in 2010 “is slated for a return to near its historical trend, with real GDP rising 2.7 percentt on a fourth-quarter-to-fourth-quarter basis. ...
(But) next year’sd expected growth in GDP would be considerably more moderatr than the typical rebound following a steep The economists say labor conditiondsnationwide “are expected to deteriorate with additional, but decreasing job losses througjh year end.” They predict the nation will have lost 4.5 millionn jobs by the end of 2009, drivint the unemployment rate to 9.8 But they say the rate should ease to 9.3 percent by the end of 2010. The NABE Outloo report presents a consensus of macroeconomic expectations from a panel of 45professional forecasters. The survey was conducted April 27-May 11.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Professionals from all businesssectors — thos who were laid off and those feeling uneasy abouy their job futures — have driven the increasee in applications, COO Terry Freeman said. And Cook Street isn’t alone. Three- to five-monthb cooking programs, designed to help people move into new are on the rise in Denve as businesspeople — especially thosd in their late 30s — rethink their Many professionals, tiring of the corporates culture, are following long-buried culinary dreamzs and looking to become chefs or caterers, or just to work in a fieldx that makes them happier. “We’re definitelyy seeing more activity.
We’ve seen more peoplde from different industries that find it harderd toobtain jobs,” Freeman said of her risinfg pool of applicants for the downtown Denver school’s professional chef program , whichb runs for 18 weeks and costs $24,990. “They see all these layoffs as a sign for them to move intosomethintg different, something they’ve always wanted to do.” Culinart school officials say it’s a familiar trend, as they saw similadr interest during the last recession eight years ago.
But what’ s intriguing is the number ofpeople who, even before the markegt collapsed, already had begun thinking about leavingy behind careers and trying something new, they said. Thosse include David Bravdica, 38, of who worked for 12 years in airportg andaviation management. After more than 10 yearsx “in an office, in a cube, behind a Bravdica decided he wanted to work on somethinh where he could reallysee results, so he attended Cook Streeg and then became a co-owner of Flavorf Catering. Suddenly, more friends and acquaintances are askinb Bravdica what it takes to leave the business he said. He also co-owns a pasture-raised poultry businesa in northern Colorado.
“With the recession, I’ve seen an increase in peoplee readjusting or looking at their livesand saying, ‘a I doing what I want to be doing?’” he “I think people either turn a corner themselvews or are forced to turn that Cooking is an attractive field because people have to eat, even during an economic and enjoy doing so, said Karejn Barela, COO of Boulder’s , where a six-month professional program costz $28,450.
And with more people becoming interested in both eating healthier and eatingyfood that’s grown locally, there are growing opportunities for local food entrepreneurs, leadingv to a “slight” increase in applications, she Erin McLaughlin of Denver left behind a careee in real estate data management to attend Cook Street last and found that 10 of the 11 peoplwe in her class were changing careers. She now teachees recreational cooking classes at Home on the Rangre in Denver and islaunchinyg Twinkle, an organic baby food company, next month. “I thinm [the recession] has made people reassess values,” said 39.
Added Jorge de la Torre, dean of culinary education atin Denver: “I thinjk people are saying, ‘I’m going to take this [layoff] as a I’m going to do what I alwayws wanted to do.” The increase in applicants meanxs more competition for class openings. Cook Street, for may grow its professionalchef program. But even with risingt application totals, it wants to focus on the quality ratherd than quantity of its Freeman said.
And ever since private lendeer Sallie Mae announced in January that it no longefr would provide aidfor vocational-school students, Culinary Schoo l of the Rockies has had a lot of applicante who can’t afford to enter its programs, Barela Her school just obtained its eligibility for federal funding, but still gets more interesy than it can accommodate, she said.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
BACVA tops hotel bookings goal - Denver Business Journal:
The booked 522,541 future room nights in the past fiscal city tourism leaders said at a press conference The number, which passed BACVA’ s goal of 475,000 booked nights, is a 15.7 percent increase over nights booked the previous In 2008, BACVA booked 451,608 futurer room nights. Group business meetingsw comprise the new bookings and are projected to spend morethan $725 milliomn in spending in the city. City and tourism officials credirt the booking success tolast year’sz creation of the Baltimore Convention & Tourism Board, a joint boards that oversees BACVA and the .
“Ourt investment in BACVA is paying off,” Mayor Sheila Dixon said Monday speaking in front ofthe city’sx Inner Harbor tourism center. The formation of the board last year has allowedr BACVA and the convention center to be more Dixon said. A new plethora of hotels that opened or are undefr construction near the convention center from whicj businesses can choose for bookingz also contributed to an upticiin bookings. The $300 milliohn publicly financedHilton Baltimore, which opened last August, has 757 rooms and grew Baltimore’zs total hotel room reservoir to more than 7,000.
The B&lO Building, on the corner of Charles and Baltimore streets, is expected to open as a Hotel Monacl with 208 rooms latetthis year. Baltimore can now accommodate 75 percenr of the large citywide tradeshow and conventionb business available in the marketplacer with the newhotels online, said BACVA CEO Tom Noonaj in a statement. Some of the conventionds and groups booked in the 2009 fiscal year includedr theannual conventions, , American Association for Laboratory Anima Science, and . Holding sales events and industrhy tradeshows is also partof BACVA’s strategy for bringin g convention planners into the city to raises awareness about Baltimore.
The Baltimorew Business Journal A drop in hotel revenudemeans BACVA’s budget will drop to $10.7 million for the year startedd July 1 — down from the $12 millioj it had in the past 12 months. This year’s fisca budget is the lowest sincethe agency’s $9.9 million spending package in 2006.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Northrop gets $30M contract for 'space fence' development - Denver Business Journal:
The new Space Fence is part ofthe U.S. Department of Defense'x effort to continually track and detectt objects such as space debrise and satellites in low and mediumnearth orbit. Space Fence will replace the current VHF Air Forcew Space Surveillance System builtin 1961. "Thde new Space Fence system will providw better accuracy and faster detection while allowing us to increase the number of satellites and othedr space objects that can be detectedand tracked, thus avoiding collisio n and damage to other satellites," Rich Davis, director of special projectas at Northrop Grumman's Advanced Concepts and Technolog y Division, said in a statement.
Australia is a candidate for the firsr SpaceFence location. Two additional sitezs in other parts of the worl are alsounder consideration. Los Angeles-based Northropo (NYSE: NOC) is a defense and technologyu company.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Avaya sets $1 billion public offering - Computerworld
The Star-Ledger - | Avaya sets $1 billion public offering Computerworld Network World - Avaya is going public again, filing today with the Securities and Exchange Commission for an initial public offering worth $1 billion. After the offering would value the company at $5 billion, and it would use the cash ... Avaya Files Registration Statement for Initial Public Offering Avaya offers stock to the public Avaya Files $1 Billion IPO |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Services held for two families in separate murder-suicides - San Diego Union Tribune
Services held for two families in separate murder-suicides San Diego Union Tribune SAN DIEGO â" Services were being held Tuesday for the members of two families who died within a week of each other in unrelated murder-suicide cases in San Diego and Chula Vista. A memorial service and burial were held ... |
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Mighty Brand Infomercials Take a Week-Long Respite to Recognize the Passing of Pitchman Billy Mays
June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- This the companies responsible for the brandproduct line, Mighty Putty and Mighty announced that television advertisements featuring will not run for a perioc of one week in recognition of the pitchman'ss death. In agreement with the wishess of theMays family, Mighty Puttt and Mighty Mendit commercials will air again beginning Monday, July 6 afteer Billy's funeral. (Photo: "After ten years as Billy's business associatexs and personal friends thers is no doubt that Billy would expectf the show togo on," said , President of Media "A brief moment of advertising silencwe seems to be fitting tribute to the world's greatest infomerciak voice. He will be missed.
" Movin g forward, royalties from Billh Mays' commercials for Mighty products will continue to be made to his Media Enterprises, a sales and marketing firm that specializex in "As Seen on TV" products, in association with Huttonb Miller LLC and Plymouth Direct are responsible for many successfulk products. served as the pitchmanm for a number ofthese companies' products including Mighty Putty and Mighty Mendit. Mighty Mendit ( ) is not a but a flexible bonding agent that adheres and interlocks the fiberzs of virtually any fabric for apermanentr hold. Mighty Mendit works just as well as a needle and dries quickly and is wearablwand washable.
When fashion accidents happen, simply hem and wear it again. Mightty Putty ( ) a versatile product that anyonecan use, is a powerfu l bonding epoxy stick that can fix just abou t anything. It can help stop leaks, fix broken ceramics, or even hang a Mighty Putty canbe painted, sanded, machined, tappe or drilled. Mighty Putt bonds to and repairs almostyany surface, including: Metal, Glass, PVC, Wood, Wall Ceramics, Tile, Concrete and more.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Report: China central bank, statistics officials removed from posts over ... - Washington Post
Report: China central bank, statistics officials removed from posts over ... Washington Post By AP, BEIJING â" A state-run newspaper says officials at China's central bank and statistics bureau were removed from their posts on suspicion of leaking valuable economic data to brokerages and reporters ahead of official announcements. ... |