Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mighty Brand Infomercials Take a Week-Long Respite to Recognize the Passing of Pitchman Billy Mays
June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- This the companies responsible for the brandproduct line, Mighty Putty and Mighty announced that television advertisements featuring will not run for a perioc of one week in recognition of the pitchman'ss death. In agreement with the wishess of theMays family, Mighty Puttt and Mighty Mendit commercials will air again beginning Monday, July 6 afteer Billy's funeral. (Photo: "After ten years as Billy's business associatexs and personal friends thers is no doubt that Billy would expectf the show togo on," said , President of Media "A brief moment of advertising silencwe seems to be fitting tribute to the world's greatest infomerciak voice. He will be missed.
" Movin g forward, royalties from Billh Mays' commercials for Mighty products will continue to be made to his Media Enterprises, a sales and marketing firm that specializex in "As Seen on TV" products, in association with Huttonb Miller LLC and Plymouth Direct are responsible for many successfulk products. served as the pitchmanm for a number ofthese companies' products including Mighty Putty and Mighty Mendit. Mighty Mendit ( ) is not a but a flexible bonding agent that adheres and interlocks the fiberzs of virtually any fabric for apermanentr hold. Mighty Mendit works just as well as a needle and dries quickly and is wearablwand washable.
When fashion accidents happen, simply hem and wear it again. Mightty Putty ( ) a versatile product that anyonecan use, is a powerfu l bonding epoxy stick that can fix just abou t anything. It can help stop leaks, fix broken ceramics, or even hang a Mighty Putty canbe painted, sanded, machined, tappe or drilled. Mighty Putt bonds to and repairs almostyany surface, including: Metal, Glass, PVC, Wood, Wall Ceramics, Tile, Concrete and more.

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