Sunday, August 21, 2011

HVCC moves 2 programs to Rensselaer Tech Park - The Business Review (Albany):
The Troy college recently signeda 10-year lease with 400 Jordanh Road LLC. The school will pay approximatelu $605,000 a year to leasd 36,557 square feet of space. Hudsojn Valley’s popular paramedic program will occupu about half of thenew space. The school also will move its respiratory care program and a that trainsx employees forarea businesses, according to Stephen director of the college’s physical plant. The remaindee of the leased space willhoused ’s Next Step a communications worker training progra m coordinated by the college.
Those departments all currently are locatef inHudson Valley’s 90,000-square-foot Hy Rosenblum Administration a 1940s era building that Cowan said needs major renovations. “It’s a tired old building. We are lookingf at total renovationsor demolition,” he But the college decided to lease spac e from the through 400 Jordan Road LLC for 10 yearsx while the college decides whether it should overhaul or tear down the Hy Rosenblu m building. The college continues to but because of the economy it does not have the money to renovatse the current buildingright now, Cowan said.
Hudson Valle is planning to hire a consultingy firm this summer to help officials decide the most cost effectivew way to deal with theRosenblum building. helped Hudson Valleyu negotiatedthe lease. The college plans to have the four programsz and departments moved into the new space in Northu Greenbush before the starg of classeson Aug. 31. The buildinhg previously had been used as officee space for Verizon Cowan said.

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