Friday, May 27, 2011

Haven for Hope benefits from major AT&T gift - San Antonio Business Journal:
Dallas-based AT&T’s (NYSE: T) gift will help fund constructionm ofthe men’s, women’s and familieas residential facilities. These buildings will be named in AT&T’s honot once the campus is completel y finished by the endof 2009. Ther will be a 69,000 square foot men’s buildintg that will include 450 beds anda 60,00p0 square foot women’s and families’ building that will also have 450 SAMMinistries, which has provided shelter servicese in San Antonio for more than 25 years, will operate Havenh for Hope’s residential facilities. John Stankey, president and CEO of AT&Ty Operations Inc.
, says Haven for Hope will become a nationa l model inaddressing homelessness. Already, representatives from more than 70 citiesd have visited the site even before it has Haven for Hope will not onlyprovidre food, shelter and clothing, but also medica l and dental care, job training, legal In fact, more than 150 different services will be provider by more than 70 servicew providers. All of these servicew will be provided on site atthe 22-acrde campus. “AT&T has once agai n proven itself to be one ofSan Antonio’sa greatest corporate stewards,” says Haven for Hope boardx chairman Bill Greehey.
“Their generosity and commitment can be felt in everyh corner ofour city. And their gift to Havenb for Hope demonstrates their confidence in the projec t and gets us near the completionh of ourcapital campaign, whicjh will allow us to begin improving the live s of the homeless populationj in our community by year end.” U.S. Sen. Kay Bailet Hutchison, R-Texas, says this donationj will go a long way toward realizingBill Greehey’s vision of eliminatingg homelessness in South Texas. Once an individualp or family enters Havejnfor Hope, that individual or family will be assigned a case workerf and become a client.
Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus, R-Samn Antonio, worked to get the state fundinb for therestoration center. “Haven for Hope representsz the great things that can happen when the public andprivate sectors, includinh great corporate citizens like AT&T, come together in pursuity of a common goal,” he said. “Everyonse in the Texas Legislature is watching this project withkeen interest, and we’re proud that the national model for the effective and compassionatr support of homeless citizens will be right here in San San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro “For too many years, San Antonio’w homeless community has been largely underserved,” he

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