Sunday, January 22, 2012

BSS Properties, Bailey foundation behind Valencia Garden purchase - Boston Business Journal:
bought the land on June 3 from Gatoe ofFlorida Inc., a company owned by the Aglian o family. Public records list the address for BSS Propertiesw as712 W. Platt St., which is owned by the Baile Family Foundation. Corporate records show BSS is managee by the Bailey Foundation and the DavidStrasz Jr. Foundation, another large foundation. University of Tampqa President Ron Vaughn had previously nominated Ron president of the and Kyle Bailey for the Champion of Higher Educatioj inFlorida Award. The men unanimouslg won the 2008-2009 The June 3 closure of the historidc Valencia Garden surprisedmany people.
Its sale was made even more mysteriouz by theAgliano family’s refusal to discuss the new owner’sw identity. On June 4, the University of Tampa confirmed it had bought part of thecity block, while “ann unidentified company” bought the remaindetr with plans to eventually give it to the is one of the largest foundations in Hillsborough County. It was foundeds by Ron Bailey, who grew up poor in West Virginiw and as an adult attendedd college throughthe . He latert became a professor at in and in 1989 he bought the collegwe that wasstruggling financially. By the school was so successful, it becamwe a public company traded onthe .
In 2001, Baileh retired to Plant City, where he owns a He’s director of in Tampa, in Jacksonville, The University of the in Tampa, , Tampa Commande and Cork in Plant City, according to the foundation’sw Web site. The foundation has generously givej to manycharitable causes, includinb $2.5 million annually in college scholarships and a $1 million endowmengt to the .

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